Brooke Wilton's work is currently on display at the following locations, on the following dates:

Come to the Full Moon Party Group Art Show at the Lowbrow Emporium this saturday night, Aug 16th, 8pm 'til midnite, where several pieces of my art will be shown (along with that of several other Austin artists. See graphic above.) Admission is free and there will be FREE BEER! The Lowbrow Emporium is located at 2708 S. Lamar Blvd. #1C Austin, TX 78704 (512) 462-3739, which is to say it is on South Lamar at Manchaca, just south of Kerbey Lane Cafe on the same (west) side of Lamar. It should be a great time. Did I mention there will be FREE BEER? Get there early to make sure you can partake. If you get too drunk, you are within easy walking distance of both Kerbey Lane (open 24 hours) and my house. I hope to see you all there! (-at the party, not at my house...)
This multimedia piece, entitled America's NEO-CON-MEN was created on July 4th, 2008 and was selected to be a part of the Bay6 Gallery and Studios one night show during the Netroots Nation Conference on Saturday, July 19th, entitled Blogging from the Right Side of the Brain. The event was attended by political writers and Netroots Nation participants across the nation who were visiting Austin during that week.

Chuck's Deli and Coffee House: May 10th - Aug 10th 2008

12115 Manchaca Rd. Austin, Texas Call 512-502-5808 for hours and other venue info.

Six pieces were a part of "The Really Good Art Show" at the bar formerly known as Club 115, 115 San Jacinto Blvd. Austin, Texas, now Déja Vu (now defunked) May 17th-June 27th 2008 Folks were invited to "Come on down, even if you think you've seen it before!"
