Roll over the above to see the night-time and daylight (default) states of the piece, entitled America's NEO-CON-MEN. It was created on July 4th, 2008 and was selected to be a part of the Bay6 Gallery and Studios one night show during the Netroots Nation Conference on Saturday, July 19th, entitled Blogging from the Right Side of the Brain. The event was attended by political writers and Netroots Nation participants across the nation who were visiting Austin during that week.

About this piece: America's NEO-CON-MEN is about exposing the true nature of those who have been instrumental in appropriating our government, stealing our basic liberties via shredding our constitution, and dividing the land that was supposed to be by and for the people through petty partisanship and subterfuge in a mad attempt at fulfilling the last crusade. They have taken our proud republic, land of the free and home of the brave, and sold our core values to the highest bidder; enslaving us to corporate entities who grind our bones and our very life's blood beneath their boot heels without recourse or remorse. They have turned the American Dream inside out, removing the checks and balances that were carefully put in place by our forefathers to separate us from tyranny, all the while enshrouded with stars and stripes and hefting the golden cross. Only by revealing their hypocrisy can we reclaim the power that was invested and entrusted in their lofty positions. At the top center is a photo of a real bald eagle who broke its beak and was starving to death, unable to feed itself, until an engineer designed the prosthetic beak shown and grafted it to the animal. The eagle has made a full recovery from this act of creativity and compassion. I can think of no greater metaphor for our the current state of our democracy, and you and I are that beak.

Please contact if you are interested in comissioning similar work.

(all the way back)