This site, and all of my artistic enteavors are dedicated to my grandfather, Wilton D. Wilton Sr. and my grandmother Crystal.

"Papa" was an Artist, Author, Haberdasher, and Director of musical theatrical productions, and he gave me my first art and creative writing lessons, my first camera, and my first computer. They both inspired all who met them to be more decent, loving, and patient with the world around them.

This site is also dedicated to my father, Wilton D. Wilton Jr. and his wife Carolyn.

Dad gave me my first hi-tech job, when I thought I was lo-tech, placing me firmly on a career path that would take me full circle with my artistic endeavors and allow me the financial freedom to truly pursue my creative dreams.

This site is additionally and especially dedicated to my mother, Sally Phillips, and her husband Howard.

As a pioneer single parent, Mom somehow managed to raise her two very precocious sons virtually single-handedly to become well-rounded individuals, all the while earning her doctorate and maintaining a prestigious academic career! She gave my brother and I a taste of Austin in the '70s and encouraged us to discover our own path to becoming who we are today. She remains an extraordinary woman.

Howard too, is a really great guy who has been a radio DJ, lent his voice to TV, sings barbershop quartet, and recently starred in theatrical productions in Houston. His wisdom and encouragement since my teens has been very motivational.

I must further acknow-
ledge Twylyte, who lived with me for all of his 18 years, always uncondi-
tionally providing his special kind of support and love. He is truly missed.

I'd like to also thank my good friend John Maffei, for many years of expert advice and rewarding friendship.

I'd like to additionally thank my brother Jeff Wilton, the Webbs, and my very good friends Terry Barnett, Steve Muir, Motorcycle Mike, Ryan Baroné, Robbie Caponetto, Rob Dittrich, and many other close friends and family too numerous to mention, for their constant support, encouragement, and assistance all through the years.

Lastly but not leastly, I'd like to thank my dear friend Alan Pappé, the "famous photographer in seclusion", for his kind friendship and inspiration all these many years. His recent departure from this world on April 30th has left a hole that cannot be filled. His vision and warmth are greatly missed by all those whose lives he touched.
